DRAGGABLE & iframe shim Examples
with the overlibmws DHTML Popup Library maintained by Foteos Macrides at Macrides Web Services Discuss these examples, seek help, and offer suggestions for DRAGGABLE support via the overlibmws Support Group. |
overlibmws outwits OS Controls, Applets and Plug-ins | |
Read this WebReference article that was originally written in September of 1998 (Note that the link within the primary (Drag Me!!!) popup has a secondary popup, and that the caption uses print and close icons.). |
The Problem and Solutions |
The STICKY overlib popups invoked via the above link and the three links in the row below are DRAGGABLE. They have a high z-index value, but if you drag them to the select form element below, it may "trump" the popup for some browsers, and stay above. Read the WebReference article for an excellent explanation. |
BACKGROUND command   FULLHTML command   FULLHTML shadow |
IE through v6.0 normally has the problem with this type of select form element,
but we are using the overlibmws_iframe.js plugin module to obviate the problem
for IE v5.5 or higher via an iframe shim (as opposed to iframe content). For earlier versions of IE and
for other supported browsers,
the overlibmws_hide.js plugin module also has been imported and
its HIDESELECTBOXES command is used to hide and restore the select box in
conjunction with the display and removal of the popup in any regions of overlap,
which you can create and eliminate in this example by dragging popups over and then
off of the select box. Normally, the DRAGGABLE feature would be used to
move the popup away from an obscuring form field if the browser's window
conditions caused overlap when the popup was invoked. Note
that the HIDESELECTBOXES command does not apply to Netscape v4.x, and one
normally would use the "hide" plugin module's HIDEBYIDNS4 command to hide
form fields for that older browser (see an example which does hide a form for Netscape 4.x as well).
See the SHADOW demonstration file for more examples of DRAGGABLE. Also see the example of a DRAGABLE popup with iframe content. Use your browser's View Source option to review the markup for these examples. They're not too complicated and you can do it yourself once you catch on. |
This document uses overlibmws and its commands. |
Copyright Foteos Macrides 2002-2010. All rights reserved. |