Form-hiding Example with the
overlibmws DHTML Popup Library
maintained by Foteos Macrides at Macrides Web Services
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Pop Me!!!
Just Checking

This example uses overlibmws and its commands.  The overlibmws_iframe.js plugin module is used to prevent obscuring of the popup for IE v5.5 and v6.0 via an iframe shim (as opposed to iframe content).  For older versions of IE and the old versions of other supported browsers which need it, the overlibmws_hide.js plugin module also has been imported and its HIDESELECTBOXES and HIDEBYIDNS4 commands are used to hide and restore the form elements in conjunction with the display and removal of the popup for the top (Pop Me!!!) anchor.

Go to hiding examples for flash or QuickTime objects, applets, and frame documents.

Use your browser's View Source option to see the markup for this example.

Mouse-based versus Keyboard Navigation:
Try both mouseovers and keyboard navigation (TAB and Shift-TAB, or Ctrl-DownArrow and Ctrl-UpArrow in Opera) for the anchors, form fields, and images in this document  They all are associated with DHTML popups via onmouseover and onfocus.  When keyboard navigating on the checkbox or radio buttons, use the spacebar to check/uncheck or to choose buttons.  But in browsers for which TAB or Shift-TAB jumps to the chosen radio button, use the arrow keys to move among the buttons and set the chosen one.  Similarly use the arrow keys when focus is on a select box.  Note some problems in Gecko-engine browsers.  Also check out mouse-based versus keyboard navigation in another form-containing overlibmws support document.

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