Examples of Word Translation with the
overlibmws DHTML Popup Library
maintained by Foteos Macrides at Macrides Web Services
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«بِه سوی کعْبَه راه بِسْیار اَسْت مَن زِ دَرْیا رَوَم تُو اَز خُشْکی»
(see: http://www.lib.washington.edu/neareast/yekruz/y1.htm)

Зима је, снег замео све до кућних врата и свему одузео стварни облик
(see: http://www.digital.transpoetics.org/texts/test/index.html)

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back.
(affable Dennis Sandow and Fote Macrides were the source of this English)

These examples use overlibmws and its commands.

Use your browser's View Source option to see the script set and markup for these examples.

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