Dear Kalle,
Congratulations! You were one of a record 26,482 finishers of the 2015 Airbnb Brooklyn Half.
You helped make this race the best in its history and the largest half-marathon in the U.S.
this year.
You made history on the streets of BK, and helped celebrate the best of the borough.
You made that Coney Island finish line your own with a time of 1:58:20.
The Airbnb Brooklyn Half Pre-Party Presented by New Balance rocked Pier 2 at
Brooklyn Bridge Park, and we're so glad that you and your family and friends joined us at the
biggest and best Pre-Party yet! And we're grateful for your support of local businesses, artists, musicians,
and NYRR's Recycle Your Soles program.
Race day was incredible, from the record-breaking field to the impressive finishes by
New Yorkers Negash Abede Duki and Megan Hogan to the awesome After-Party at MCU Park—all supported by our
dedicated NYRR staff, wonderful volunteers, and outstanding city partners and sponsors.
We're so grateful to the runners who raised funds for NYRR Team for Kids.
Maybe the coolest thing of all was the first NYRR Kids' Boardwalk Run at the Airbnb Brooklyn Half.
As you relaxed—and maybe enjoyed a hotdog—hundreds of kids from all over NYC, wearing lime-green
sunglasses, dashed along the boardwalk to the same finish line you crossed earlier in the day.
As I celebrated with so many of you, I had an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the
incredible privilege the past 17 years have been.
Many of you know that I'm moving on this week to an exciting new journey with Virgin Sport.
I can't thank you enough for all the inspiration you provided, and all the memories you gave me, which I'll always
carry with me.
I appreciate each and every one of you, and I couldn't be more excited about NYRR's future led by Michael Capiraso
and Peter Ciaccia.
I'll see you on the roads.
Thank you.
Thank you,

Mary Wittenberg